When I got home from Italy, one of the first things I did was go food shopping. I guess I was just tired from the airport shuttle having dropped me off past 1am, because when I went to Monoprix (basically the French Target) later that morning, I grabbed buttermilk instead of regular. How did I realize that something was amiss? With my first bite of cereal. I used to like drinking buttermilk as a kid, but now...not so much. So what to do with an entire liter?

Having found maple syrup at Monoprix, I decided pancakes were my best bet for using up the buttermilk. But following recipes here is much easier said than done. There are no measuring accoutrements in my apartment (but besides, the French don't use cups and tablespoons anyways), and I left my scale in my locker at school. So it was time for some freestyle cooking.

​Les ingrédients

​Les ingrédients

​I had some apples in the fridge. Why not use them too?

​I had some apples in the fridge. Why not use them too?

​Caramelizing in butter and sugar just like we learned in class.

​Caramelizing in butter and sugar just like we learned in class.



In the end it turned out pretty well, despite my guesstimations, but I barely made a dent in the buttermilk. Either I'll be eating pancakes for days, or it's time to find some other buttermilk recipes. Biscuits, anyone?

AuthorMisa Shikuma
Categoriesexpat life
Les nomz

Just when I was starting to get used to living in a French atmosphere I went away to Scandinavia, where everyone speaks nearly flawless English. In some ways it was almost like being at home, except that they use strange currencies and everyone is very blonde and blue-eyed...

Okay, so I guess it was more like being in an alternate universe, but the point is that I could communicate with people without wildly gesticulating and looking like an idiot. And then I returned to Paris, where my brain now struggles to form simple sentences in French. 

If you asked me during my first week here whether I would ever want go to back home, the answer would probably be no. But now that the blinders have come off a bit I'll definitely be ready to leave by next summer. There's no denying that Paris is a beautiful city, but one tends to spend most of the time looking down at the ground avoiding piles of dog poop - seriously, it's worse than Manhattan.

Le camion. Probably easier to spot by the long line that forms at lunch time.

For these reasons and more I've been feeling a little homesick, which is why I decided it was time to seek out Le camion qui fume - one of only two burger-grilling mobile food joints in Paris. Whereas Cantine California focuses more on...California/Mexican-influenced street food, Le camion qui fume is all about straight up burgers. Oh, and their fries are better than In-n-Out's.

Yes, I went there. Come to Paris and prove me wrong.

For more objective assessment on the cultural significance of food trucks in Paris, I suggest you read this NYT article.
AuthorMisa Shikuma